Friday, December 23, 2016

Plotting Riemann-Siegel Formula with J

The Riemann-Siegel formula, Z(t) has been used to find non-trivial zeros of Riemann's zeta function.

The following source code gives a numerical calculation of \[Z(t) \approx 2 \sum_{n=1}^{N}n^{-\frac{1}{2}}\cos [\theta(t) - t\log n] + R,\]

where \[\theta(t) = \Im \log \Gamma (1 + \frac{it}{2}- \frac{3}{4}) - \frac{t}{2}\log\pi . \]  This can be simplified to an easily calculatable approximation given by:
\[\theta(t) \approx \frac{t}{2}\log (\frac{t}{2\ pi}) - \frac{t}{2} - \frac{\pi}{8} + \frac{1}{48t }+ \frac{7}{5760t^{3}}.\]

The final term, [\ R,\] in the original sum, is the remainder term, which is complicated to derive but  can be reduced to a sum,[
\[ R \approx (-1)^{N-1}(\frac{t}{2 \pi})^{-1/4}[C_{0} + C_{1}(\frac{t}{2 \pi})^{-1/2} +C_{2}(\frac{t}{2 \pi})^{-1} +

C_{3}(\frac{t}{2 \pi})^{-3/2} + C_{4}(\frac{t}{2 \pi})^{-2}].\]

We will use this approximation in the calculation.

NB. Calculation of Z(x), estimate of zeta(x) for x = a +ib where b = 0.5  
NB. Riemann-Siegel formula. (from Riemann Zeta Function, H.M Edwards)      

load 'plot'  
load 'numeric trig'  
C0 =: 0.38268343236508977173, 0.43724046807752044936, 0.13237657548034352333, _0.01360502604767418865, _0.01356762197010358088, _0.00162372532314446528, 0.00029705353733379691,0.00007943300879521469, 0.00000046556124614504, _0.00000143272516309551, _0.00000010354847112314, 0.00000001235792708384, 0.00000000178810838577, _0.00000000003391414393, _0.00000000001632663392  

C1 =: 0.02682510262837535, _0.01378477342635185, _0.03849125048223508, _0.00987106629906208, 0.00331075976085840, 0.00146478085779542, 0.00001320794062488,_0.00005922748701847, _0.00000598024258537, 0.00000096413224562, 0.00000018334733722
C2 =: 0.005188542830293, 0.000309465838807, _0.011335941078299, 0.002233045741958,0.005196637408862, 0.000343991440762, _0.000591064842747, _0.000102299725479, 0.000020888392217,0.000005927665493, _0.000000164238384, _0.000000151611998  

C3 =: 0.0013397160907, _0.0037442151364, 0.0013303178920, 0.0022654660765,_0.0009548499998, _0.0006010038459, 0.0001012885828, 0.0000686573345, _0.0000005985366,_0.0000033316599, _0.0000002191929, 0.0000000789089, 0.0000000094147 
C4 =: 0.00046483389, _0.00100566074, 0.00024044856, 0.00102830861,_0.00076578609, _0.00020365286, 0.00023212290, 0.00003260215, _0.00002557905, _0.00000410746,0.00000117812, 0.00000024456  
pi2 =: +: o. 1  
theta =: 3 : 0  
assert. y > 0  
p1 =. ( * -:@:^.@:(%&pi2)) y  
p2 =. --: y  
p3 =. -(o. 1) % 8  
p4 =. 1 % (48 * y)  
p5 =. 7 % (5760 * y ^ 3)  
p1 + p2 + p3 + p4 + p5  
summation =: 3 : 0 "1  
v =. >0{y  
m =. >1{y  
thetav =. theta v  
ms =. >: i. m  
cos =. 2&o.  
s =. +:@:(^&_0.5) * cos@:(thetav&-@:(v&*@:^.))  
+/ s ms  
remainderterms =: 3 : 0  
im =. y  
v =. %: pi2 %~ y  
N =. <. v  
p =. v - N  
q =. 1 - 2 * p  
final =. 0  
mv0 =. +/ (({&C0) * (q&^@:+:)) i. # C0  
final =. mv0  
mv1 =. +/ (({&C1) * (q&^@:+:@:>:)) i. # C1  
mv1 =. mv1 * ((im % pi2) ^ _0.5)  
final =. final + mv1  
mv2 =. +/ (({&C2) * (q&^@:+:)) i. # C2  
mv2 =. mv2 * ((im % pi2) ^ _1)  
final =. final + mv2  
mv3 =. +/ (({&C3) * (q&^@:+:@:>:)) i. # C3  
final =. final + mv3  
mv4 =. +/ (({&C4) * (q&^@:+:)) i. # C4  
final =. final + mv4  
final * (_1 ^ <: N) * ((im % pi2) ^ _0.25)  
z =: 3 : 0 "0  
im =. y  
v =. %: pi2 %~ y  
N =. <. v  
p =. v - N  
v1 =. summation im ; N  
v2 =. remainderterms im  
v1 + v2  
x =: steps 0.1 100 3500  
plot x; z x  

Graphical plot

The lines:

 x =: steps 0.1 100 3500  
 plot x; z x  

create a plot of the function from 0.1 to 100 in 3500 steps, as shown below:

You can see the zeros of the Zeta Function from this graph. The first zero is at about x = 14.29.

Plotting Zeta function on the complex plane

 zeta3d =: 3 : 0  
 if. (0{+.y) > 0.5 do.  
 I =. >: i. 100  
 elseif. (0{+.y) < 0.5 do.  
 z =. zeta3d 1-y  
 g =. ! 1-y  
 s =. 1 o. -:(o.1)*y  
 c =. ((o.1)^(y-1))*2^y  
 if. 40 < |r do.  
 r =. 40  
 elseif. 1 do.  
 absz =: |@:zeta3d  
 realz=: 0&{@:+.@:zeta3d  
 imz=: 1&{@:+.@:zeta3d  
 D =.steps _15 15 40  
 'surface; viewpoint 1 _1 2' plot imz"0 j./~ D NB. use realz for real graph.

Here is a plot of the imaginary parts:

....and the real parts.

ODBC with J to connect to MySQL Database

If you are using the J programming language and wish to connect to a DBMS (MySQL, PostgreSQL, etc), you can use J's ODBC interface. W...