I recently read about
Goodstein sequences for the first time, and was interested in writing a J verb that can generate a sequence.
Goodstein sequences are defined here:
A Goodstein sequence is defined in terms of
hereditary representations of numbers.
An example of hereditary representation of 100 using base 2.
\[ 100 = 2^{6}+2^{5}+2^{2} = 2^{2^{2}+2}+2^{2^{2}+1}+2^{2}.\]
Let the hereditary representation of \(n\) using base \(2\) be \(G_{0}(n)\), i.e. the start of the sequence.
Then \(G_{1}(n)\) uses the hereditary representation of \(n\) base 2, but exchanges 3 for 2 in all places in this representation. Finally, we minus 1.
We can continue, so in general,
\[G_{m+1}(n) = H_{m+1}(G_{m}) - 1\]
where \(H_{a}(x)\) is the base \(a\) hereditary representation of \(x\).
For example:
\[G_{0}(100) = 100 = 2^{6}+2^{5}+2^{2} = 2^{2^{2}+2}+2^{2^{2}+1}+2^{2}.\]
\[G_{1}(100) = 3^{3^{3}+3}+3^{3^{3}+1}+3^{3} - 1 = 228767924549636.\]
\[G_{2}(100) = 34860300617850752458892464995335199931446351133540222782081259753676586478191222...\]
\[G_{3}(100) = 59814694315693446387155462718734091954899936833389952752466750303416092596593874...\]
This sequence grows explosively fast for most values of \(n\). Interestingly,
Goodstein's Theorem states that it will always terminate at 0 eventually. For all positive values of \(n\). Even though it is futile to attempt computing a Goodstein sequence for most values of \(n\), as the numbers involved become unmanageable very quickly, it is still interesting and worthwhile writing a verb to do such a thing.
Here is one implementation in J:
goodstein=: 4 : 0"0 0
if. y <: 0 do. 0 return.
elseif. y = x do. x+1 return.
s=. I. (x:x) (|.@:((>:@:>.@:^. # [) #: ])) x:y
+/ (x+1) ^ (x: x) goodstein s
G=: <:@:goodstein`]@.(0&=@:])
NB. generates sequence
genSeq=: 3 : 0"1
'base val its'=. y
c=. 0
vals=. val
whilst. its > c=. c+1 do.
val=. base G val
vals=. vals,val
base=. base+1
if. val = 0 do. break.end.
There are three verbs here,
goodstein, G, genSeq.
goodstein is a recursive dyadic verb which calculates the hereditary representation of the right argument, with base the left argument, and then exchanges occurences of the base by \(base+1\). The reason for the recursion is that for each exponent of the base in the hereditary representation sum, we also need to calculate a hereditary representation.
G merely subtracts one from the return value of
genSeq, is used to simply generate a sequence. It takes three arguments; the start base (which should be 2); the starting value; the number of iterations to calculate.
will return 100 228767924549636 34860300617850752458892464995...