Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Constructing Steiner Triple Systems with OCaml

A steiner system, S(a,b,c), where a,b,c are all positive integers with a <= b <= c, is defined as a set of c elements, a collection of subsets of this set, each of size b, such that every a elements exist in exactly one subset.

e.g. S(2,3,7)
We need a set of 7 elements,
S = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6},
and we need to create subsets of S, each of size 3, where each pair of elements exist in exactly one subset:
b1 = {0,1,2}
b2 = {0,3,4}
b3 = {0,5,6}
b4 = {1,4,5}
b5 = {1,3,6}
b6 = {2,4,6}
b7 = {2,3,5}

From observation, it is clear that any two elements exist in exactly one subset b1,...,b7. We shall refer to each subset as a block.

Clearly, a steiner system does not necessarily exist for any given a,b,c. For example, there is no S(2,7,8) system. You cannot generate subsets of {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7}, each of size 7, such that any two elements are in exactly one subset.

An S(a,b,c) is called a steiner triple system if a = 2, b = 3, and can be denoted STS(n). It can be easily proven that a S(2,3,n) exists for any n such that

But, this fact doesn't actually give us the triples of the STS(n), which is what we are interested in. The above example's 7 blocks were found by trial and error, and this isn't really a scalable method for constructing triple systems. It is not immediately clear how we can construct an STS(n) for a given n. This post creates the algorithm(s) necessary to create a STS(n) for an any applicable n.

The algorithm
We first split the problem into two parts. We will solve the problem for the case of \(n\cong 1\mod 6\) and \(n\cong3\mod6\) separately.

Case 1: \[ n\cong3\mod6\] . This is sometimes known as the Bose Construction. I won't go into details but will just present the OCaml source code, as it is not particularly long or complicated:

 let construct_for_residue_3 v =  
     let res = (v - 3) / 6 in  
     let arr = ref [] in  
     let sz = (2*res) + 1 in  
     let mult = (sz + 1) / 2 in  
     for i = 0 to sz - 1 do  
         arr := (List.append (!arr) [[[i;0];[i;1];[i;2]]])  
     for j = 0 to sz - 2 do  
         for k = (j+1) to sz - 1 do  
             arr := (List.append (!arr) [[[j;0];[k;0];[(mult*(j + k)) mod sz; 1]];  
                             [[j;1];[k;1];[(mult*(j+k)) mod sz; 2]];  
                             [[j;2];[k;2];[(mult*(j+k)) mod sz; 0]]])  

As an example,  let's try it for the case where n = 9.

 let l = construct_for_residue_3 9;;  

which gives

 [[[0; 0]; [0; 1]; [0; 2]]; [[1; 0]; [1; 1]; [1; 2]]; [[2; 0]; [2; 1]; [2; 2]];                         [[0; 0]; [1; 0]; [2; 1]]; [[0; 1]; [1; 1]; [2; 2]]; [[0; 2]; [1; 2]; [2; 0]];                         
   [[0; 0]; [2; 0]; [1; 1]]; [[0; 1]; [2; 1]; [1; 2]]; [[0; 2]; [2; 2]; [1; 0]];   
   [[1; 0]; [2; 0]; [0; 1]]; [[1; 1]; [2; 1]; [0; 2]]; [[1; 2]; [2; 2]; [0; 0]]]  

We have a List of 12 elements, where each element contains 3 sublists of ordered number pairs. e.g. the first element is
[[0; 0]; [0; 1]; [0; 2]];

Note that any two number pairs [i; j], [k;l] (where i,k is in range [0,2] and j,l is in range [0,2]),  exist in exactly one sublist.

Case 2:\(n\cong1\mod6\)
This case is slightly more complicated, but the approach is the same. The source code is given below:

 let construct_for_residue_1 v =  
     let res = (v - 1) / 6 in  
     let arr = ref [] in  
     for i = 0 to res - 1 do  
         arr := (List.append (!arr) [[[i;0];[i;1];[i;2]]])  
     for j = 0 to 2 * res - 2 do  
         for k = j + 1 to 2 * res - 1 do  
             let z = qgf j k (2 * res) in  
             arr := (List.append (!arr) [[[j;0];[k;0];[z;1]];  
     for l = 0 to res - 1 do  
         arr := (List.append (!arr) [[[(-1);(-1)];[l+res;0];[l;1]];  

Here, the [i,j] pairs range over different integer values but the triples are the same, i.e. a triple contains three [i,j] pairs. And every two pairs exist in exactly one triple.

For example lets try it with n = 7.

 let l = construct_for_residue_1 7;;  

This gives

  [[[0; 0]; [0; 1]; [0; 2]]; [[0; 0]; [1; 0]; [1; 1]]; [[0; 1]; [1; 1]; [1; 2]];
  [[0; 2]; [1; 2]; [1; 0]]; [[-1; -1]; [1; 0]; [0; 1]]; [[-1; -1]; [1; 1]; [0; 2]];                       
   [[-1; -1]; [1; 2]; [0; 0]]]  

Here, we can see 7 triples and it is easy to check any [[i;j];[k;l]] pair exists in one triple. We can map pairs to the b's in the example at the top of the page. For example

[0;0] ->   b1
[0;1] ->   b2
[0;2] ->   b3
[1;0] ->   b4
[1;1] ->   b5
[1;2] ->   b6
[-1;-1] -> b7

A good question at this point might be, "What's the point in this?", to which the answer is that steiner systems and combinatorial designs in general, have a wide range of connections to different areas of mathematics -  for example:

Projective and Affine Geometry (in fact the above STS(7) steiner system can be considered a projective plane);

Coding theory (e.g. Golay codes);

Group theory (Not going to go into it here, but the above STS(7) has 168 symmetries, and its group of
symmetries is isomorphic to PGL(3,2));

Experimental designs.

It's also worth noting that there are many more interesting steiner systems, beyond the triple system examples here. Probably the most noteworthy is S(5,8,24). Just a quick recap on what that means: 24 points, grouped into subsets, each of size 8, such that any given 5 points exist in exactly 1 subset. That's the definition, but the interesting point is that this object is immensely symmetric, and has over 140 million symmetries, and what's more, any 5 points can be mapped on to any other five points and still preserve symmetry.

1:  (* steiner triple systems *)  
2:  open Core.Std  
3:  exception Impossible_construction  
6:  (* construct STS for vertex size 3 modulo 6 *)  
7:  let construct_for_residue_3 v =  
8:      let res = (v - 3) / 6 in  
9:      let arr = ref [] in  
10:      for i = 1 to (2 * res + 1) do  
11:          arr := (List.append (!arr) [[[i;0];[i;1];[i;2]]])  
12:      done;  
14:      for j = 1 to (2 * res + 1) do  
15:          for k = (j+1) to (2 * res + 1) do  
16:              arr := (List.append (!arr) [[[j;1];[k;1];[(j + k) / 2; 1]];  
17:                              [[j;2];[k;2];[(j+k) / 2; 2]];  
18:                              [[j;0];[k;0];[(j+k) / 2;0]]])  
19:          done  
20:      done;  
21:      !arr  
23:  (* quasigroup function -- just a function used for Skolem's construction *)  
24:  let qgf left right max =  
25:      let z = (left + right) mod max in  
26:      if z mod 2 = 0 then  
27:          z / 2  
28:      else  
29:          (z + max - 1) / 2  
31:  (* Skolem's construction - for vertex size 1 modulo 6 *)  
32:  let construct_for_residue_1 v =  
33:      let res = (v - 1) / 6 in  
34:      let arr = ref [] in  
35:      for i = 0 to res - 1 do  
36:          arr := (List.append (!arr) [[[i;0];[i;1];[i;2]]])  
37:      done;  
39:      for j = 0 to 2 * res - 2 do  
40:          for k = j + 1 to 2 * res - 1 do  
41:              let z = qgf j k (2 * res) in  
42:              arr := (List.append (!arr) [[[j;0];[k;0];[z;1]];  
43:                              [[j;1];[k;1];[z;2]];  
44:                              [[j;2];[k;2];[z;0]]])  
45:          done;  
46:      done;  
48:      for l = 0 to res - 1 do  
49:          arr := (List.append (!arr) [[[(-1);(-1)];[l+res;0];[l;1]];  
50:                          [[(-1);(-1)];[l+res;1];[l;2]];  
51:                          [[(-1);(-1)];[l+res;2];[l;0]]])  
52:      done;  
54:      !arr  
56:  (* find all blocks intersecting the element *)  
57:  let filter_element triplesystem e =  
58:      List.filter triplesystem (fun i -> List.mem i e)  

ODBC with J to connect to MySQL Database

If you are using the J programming language and wish to connect to a DBMS (MySQL, PostgreSQL, etc), you can use J's ODBC interface. W...